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2020-07-01 19:29:00



英國首相約翰遜周三在國會就港區國安法發表聲明,指港區國安法「明顯及嚴重違反中英聯合聲明」(a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration),亦「違反香港高度自治及與香港基本法直接抵觸」(violates Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and is in direct conflict with Hong Kong's basic law)、「威脅受聯合聲明保障的自由及權利」(threatens the freedoms and rights protected by the joint declaration)。

約翰遜並稱,「我們清楚表明……若中方繼續下去(推行國安法),我們會為有BNO資格者,提供到英國的新途徑」(if China continued down this path we would introduce a new route for those with British National Overseas Status to enter the UK),向其發出「有限居留許可」(limited leave to remain),在英國居住及工作,然後再申請成為公民(with the ability to live and work in the UK and thereafter to apply for citizenship),而「這正是我們現在會做的事」(precisely what we will do now)。英國廣播公司(BBC)稱,目前有約30萬人持有BNO,另有290萬人合資格申請(續領)。

