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2017-10-13 06:00:00

Smart City Projects? How about Our Minibus? 智慧城市缺乏智慧小巴


Our Chief Executive is keen for Hong Kong to become a liveable, competitive and sustainable “Smart City”. What does that mean for our best friend - the minibus? 

Is it smart that we still have minibuses driving around without seat belts(the ones which started operation before August 1, 2004)? No, it is not. But that is not what is meant with smart city. Smart refers to connecting everything through the internet - the “internet of things”. And to use technology to enhance city management and improve quality of living, efficiency, and safety. (智慧城市 ——利用科技去改善生活質素、效率及安全。)

So, how can we make our minibus part of the smart city?

First, put a GPS on each minibus vehicle. So, the Transport Department can see that the operator is deploying the number of vehicles he promised. And passengers can see how long they have to wait for the next bus. (替每部小巴安裝GPS,運輸署能容易監察營運商有沒有使用足夠資源,乘客亦能知道預計到站時間。)

Don’t laugh about my second proposal. How often do you(or see others) run to the front of a minibus to find out which one it is? (奔跑到車頭睇小巴路線號碼) Can we add displays with the route number on the back and on the side of the bus? (在小巴車身前、後面及旁邊裝設電子路線牌) Operators claimed that drivers can’t get out of their seat to change the number when the vehicle is used for a different route. Well, that would no longer be an excuse. With cheap technology we name the bus smart with electronic panels on the front, side and back controlled through the internet or bluetooth. 

My final “Smart Minibus” suggestion: Little warning lights when you forget to fasten your seatbelt. (用燈號提醒乘客配帶安全帶)

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