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2021-06-11 04:30:00


2017年七一遊行整個社會實驗只涉約一千名學生。 (資料圖片)

2017年七一遊行整個社會實驗只涉約一千名學生。 (資料圖片)

幾日前一宗標題《報道稱美大學出百元報酬誘科大生遊行 林鄭:證外國勢力在港活躍》的本地報道這樣話:內地「補壹刀」微信公眾號早前指,《美國經濟評論》最新一期刊登由芝加哥大學、加州大學栢克萊分校、慕尼黑大學、哈佛大學及香港科技大學五名學者合撰論文,內容提及2017年一項「社會實驗」,邀請約一千名科大學生當「白老鼠」以參與「科學任務」為名,獲得350元報酬,誘使參與七一遊行,以研究他們持續參與遊行活動行為,被質疑此舉是資助學生參加遊行,是「西方干涉香港事務,煽動暴力顛覆「顏色革命」行為。

作為經濟學者兼芝大及科大舊生,說不關心這宗新聞是騙你的。經濟學界數一數二的《美國經濟評論》(正名是American Economic Review:Insights)究竟發表了甚麼文章呢?題目是《Persistent Political Engagement: Social Interactions and the Dynamics of Protest Movements》,旨在研究參與示威活動動態行為。研究發現,鼓勵示威活動參與要有持續性,條件是參與者社交網絡亦同時受到足夠鼓勵。為免扭曲作者原意,研究結論原文如下:Our work provides evidence that social networks play a crucial role in shaping individuals’ persistent participation in political movements. The next step is to better understand how social interactions affect political engagement. We provide suggestive evidence of the importance of friendship formation and strengthening. Looking ahead, one naturally wonders how important increased joint consumption value from protest participation, changed social image considerations, reduced costs of coordination, and improved information transmission are. We cannot confidently rule out a role for changed political beliefs and preferences. A better understanding of the mechanisms through which social interactions sustain political engagement will not only help interpret patterns of political mobilization but can also inform dynamic models of political movements.

